Thursday 3 June 2021

Cairngorms - Day 5

We walked from the site today, first down the Speyside Way to Kincraig, then up a public path towards Feshiebridge. Just before reaching the village we went round the sculpture trail created by Frank Bruce. Many of the wooden sculptures are aging and "returning to nature", as intended by the artist.

From there we walked into Glen Feshie itself.

As we walked we passed a film crew filming something for Harley Davidson motorcycles.

After walking through the lower reaches of the glen, we turned through the forest towards the Uath Lochans, where we stopped for our lunch break. There are about five lochans, the biggest one has a bird hide.

The route then heads towards Loch Insh and follows the side of it to the water sports centre.

At the end of the loch, opposite Insh church, is an island which has an osprey's nest. We could just make out the head of the osprey sitting there.

In Kincraig we stopped for coffee and cake at the Old Post Office café.

Back at the site we later had chicken curry for dinner, and went for a short walk.

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