Friday 12 July 2019

Bulgaria - Day 16

We left the apartment this morning to head for Plovdiv, the second city of Bulgaria, where we have an hotel booked with for 2 nights. Plovdiv is the 2019 European Capital of Culture.

On the way we stopped for a break at the town of Stara Zagora. We had a walk round the centre, there are some impressive roman ruins just near the main park.

From the motorway on the journey we noticed that a lot of the sunflowers which had been a startling yellow a week earlier were now past there best and not so noticeable.

We drove on to Plovdiv and found the Hotel Ego. It has its own parking places, which is fortunate.

After unpacking a bit we went out for a walk. We found the pedestrianised centre, where there is a Roman stadium under the shopping streets, and just next to the mosque.

Plovdiv is built on seven hills, so we decided to climb up one of them, Danov Hill. There were good views from the top, especially of the other hills.

Once we got back down we had a drink at a cafe, then made our way back to the hotel along the bank of the River Maritsa.

In the evening we went out for dinner to a Turkish restaurant, the PASA. We had salad, bread, meatballs, a lamb dish and drinks, and it came to about £14.

In the Tsar Simeon gardens there is a free Singing Fountains show at night, so we went to watch this.

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