Thursday 24 July 2014

July trip day 9 - Flamborough

Today we made a trip to Spurn Point, about 90 minutes away down the east coast. It was sunny away from the sea, but cloudy at the coast.

The road down to the point was breached by last winter's storms, so you can't drive right to end. We wouldn't have been able to take Amber anyway, since it's an RSPB nature reserve. We took Amber for a short walk, where we saw a deer and some swans and other birds from a hide.

After leaving Amber in the van we then took the bikes to head for the Point. For about 1km we had to push the bikes over sand where the road was washed away.

Then we cycled a further 6km to the end, where there's a lighthouse, RNLI lifeboat station and a jetty.

The last bit to the beach had to be walked.

After eating our lunch at the lighthouse we cycled back to the van, then drove back to Flamborough Head, where we had a short walk round the cliffs and the two lighthouses, one of which is the oldest in England and made of chalk.

After a pint at the Dog and Duck we went back to the site, where it was too windy for a barbecue so we fried the rest of the pork on the cooker. Later we walked to the south part of the Head and up Danes Dyke.

We headed back to the van after a pint at Seabirds.

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