Friday 7 July 2023

France - Day 25

We drove to the car park near the volcano Puy des Gouttes, and started walking up the path, where we saw a hare. On up to the top of the volcano, where the views to Puy de Dome and many others was good.

The path circled down through some woods.

We drove on to another volcano a couple of miles away. The car park for this one had a height barrier because of the Tour de France, so we couldn't park in it. We left the van on the road verge just outside.

We then walked up Puy Pariou. This had a pretty spectacular wooden staircase near the top.

Around the summit some of the paths were fenced off for conservation, and there were park rangers around enforcing the rules. The was a good view down into the crater though.

We'd just got back to the van when a carload of gendarmes pulled up, and told us we couldn't park there. We were lucky they hadn't come while we were out on the walk, who knows what they would have done.

We drove back to the site, and had time to do a load of washing.

We left Oscar in the van and walked into Volvic village for a drink. At the main square a band was setting up for a gig later.

We went back to the van for dinner - a barbecue of chicken and pepper skewers, sausages, coleslaw and new potatoes.

We decided to go back into the village with Oscar to see the band. We found a table, and due to a breakdown in communication ended up with 2 beers each.

We watched a bit of the band playing, but Oscar didn't think much of it so we didn't stay long.

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