Wednesday 5 July 2023

France - Day 23

We drove to the start of today's walk in St Bonnet près Orcival, parking the van in front of the church.

On the path through the countryside we saw a hare, though we didn't manage to photograph it.

We came across a chapel at the end of the path, with a water trough where Oscar had a drink and a paddle.

We got to the village of Orcival, which is quite a touristy place, with a big church.

We're starting to see quite a lot of Tour de France paraphernalia, as it's due to pass through the area soon.

We circled round through the countryside. As we got to the highest point we started to get views of the volcanic lava domes further north, including the highest one, Puy de Dôme.

As we walked back into the village at the end, there was a house covered in cycling trophies.

After we got back to the van we drove towards the volcanic area, and did a short walk up two of the domes, Puy Lassolas and Puy de la Vache.

On return we went to the aire just outside the Vulcania volcanic theme park, which is very large but with no facilities.

For dinner we had spinach and ricotta pasta with arrabiata sauce.

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