Thursday 6 July 2023

France - Day 24

There were no toilets at the aire so we decided to drive to a supermarket in Clermont Ferrand. This turned out to be not such a great idea as there was a lot of rush hour traffic in the city. And when we found the supermarket it only had a multi storey car park with a height barrier we couldn't get though.

We had to pay to park in the street. Then we found it didn't have toilets anyway. We bought some shopping and drove back to the volcanic area.

The Tour de France was causing various road closures and restrictions, and we weren't allowed up the road to Puy de Dome. We decided that we should drive out of the area to get away from the TdF. We headed for Volvic, where we found a big supermarket with toilets.

We then parked at the tourist office near the Volvic mineral water source and set off for a walk. We first had a look at the tunnel where Volvic water comes out of the ground.

We walked up the hillside to a statue of Mary and a small chapel.

We carried on to Château de Tournoël.

We carried on a circular walk through the woods, the path at one point was marked as the Apache Trail, with various native American signs etc.

When we reached a stream we stopped for lunch, then it was a very nice path upstream to a waterfall.

It was then quite a steep climb up and over the hill back to the start, and it was getting very hot by then.

After finishing the walk we decided to stay in the campsite we'd passed at Volvic village, Camping Pierre et Sources, where we checked in for 2 nights. We were very glad to find a pitch that had a lot of shade.

From the pitch there's a good view of the castle we'd passed on our walk earlier.

Later for dinner we had a barbecue of beefburgers in rolls with coleslaw, courgette and tomatoes.

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