Tuesday 20 September 2022

Arran - Day 6

We went a circular walk from the site today. First we left Lochranza passing the distillery, and headed up the glen towards Loch na Davie.

We saw a golden eagle high in the sky.

Shirley was trying out walking poles on this walk.

We reached Loch na Davie which is reputed to be a source of the purest water in Scotland. It didn't look all that clean to us to be honest.

Red deer were watching us from the surrounding hills.

There were nice view down a remote glen.

The way down the other side was very boggy, Scott stepped in a rather deep bit.

There was a very clear burn beside the path for a lot of the way.

We passed through a nature reserve where there is supposed to be the only wild example in the world of a tree called the Catacol Whitebeam. We didn't see it but later found a little arboretum where they are growing some other examples of it and other rare trees.

We reached the road and walk back to Lochranza, passing a row of 12 fishermen's cottages at Catacol.

As we passed the sandwich shop we had a coffee, then went back to the van.

Later we had beef chilli and rice for dinner.

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