Sunday 18 September 2022

Arran - Day 4

We walked from the site again today, this time heading south down the coast. For a lot of the way there is a boardwalk just back from the beach. However both the beach and the boardwalk were slippery and it was quite a difficult walk.

We got to Kingscross point, with views across to the lighthouse on Holy Isle and also the remains of a Viking fort.

We had our lunch on the beach, then headed into the village of Whiting Bay and walked down the road a bit.

From Whiting Bay we walked up to Glenashdale Falls. We saw a red squirrel there, but weren't quick enough to photograph it.

Then it was a long walk back along a forestry track back to Lamlash, via the duck pond we'd been to a couple of days ago.

Back at the site we found we had a new neighbour who'd brought their cat and let it wander about attached to a lead. Oscar was transfixed.

Later for dinner we had root vegetable curry with naan bread.

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