Saturday 17 September 2022

Arran - Day 3

We walked from the site today, first through Lamlash village then up the coast to Claughlands Point. We saw lots of seals basking on the rocks in the bay.

After rounding the point we walked on a narrower path towards Brodick.

We ate our lunch overlooking the bay in Brodick. Scott had to buy a screwdriver to fix his glasses as a screw had fallen out. Oscar had a good look at people playing on the putting green.

We went back via an inland path, part of which is called the Fairy Glen. There's a viewpoint with good views north to the higher hills on Arran.

We spent a bit of time looking for a stone circle mentioned in the guide book. We eventually found it, but it was a bit overgrown and not that impressive.

Later we had prawn Thai curry for dinner.

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