Monday 6 September 2021

Scarborough - Day 6

Today we walked straight from the site to the coast, heading north this time. It started off hazy and muggy but later became very hot and sunny.

There were lots of sloes growing in the hedgerow at the side of the path.

There was quite a lot of descent and ascent at this part of the path. At one point we went down to a waterfall.

We started to see Robin Hood's Bay in the distance.

We saw some seals swimming in the sea. We went down one last time to the cove at Boggle Hole.

Eventually we arrived at Robin Hood's Bay. We sat outside the Bay Hotel and had a couple of welcome pints.

We had to walk up the hill to the top of the village to catch the X94 bus. However it did take us all the way back to the entrance of the camp site.

Later we had salmon with new potatoes for dinner.

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