Monday 18 November 2019

La Gomera - Day 8

We drove up to the village of Las Hayas and went for a walk through the laurel forests. The track went up to a picnic area then down into a gorge. Some of the trees were obviously very ancient.

After this we decided we were up for a more challenging walk, so drove on to park at a point where we could start a walk up to El Garajonay, the highest point on the island. The path was mostly well-surfaced, and we got to the top while the visibility was still good.

The way down was on the GR131 route, quite a spectacular part round the edge of a gorge.

We skirted the village of Chipude then had quite a long uphill stretch back to the car. Back in Valle Gran Rey we had a drink while watching some Germans play a game of boules.

Later for dinner we had an omelette.

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