Monday 11 November 2019

La Gomera - Day 1

We got a taxi to Edinburgh airport at 5am. The Ryanair flight to Tenerife South airport left on time. As we flew in we could see Mount Teide.

At the airport we caught the bus to Los Cristianos. We arrived at the harbour in time for an earlier 13:45 ferry than the one we'd booked, but we were able to change the tickets easily.

The Armas ferry took about an hour to get to San Sebastián de La Gomera.

After disembarking we had to walk up a hill to find our Airbnb apartment. Once there we had to wait a bit for the host to arrive, but the 2-bedroom apartment has everything we need. It's very windy on La Gomera at the moment, which the host tells us isn't normal for here.

After unpacking we have a wander back down into town, and have a drink at a bar. The central park was locked closed because of the wind. We bought provisions at a supermarket then went home.

For dinner we had sausages, burger and potato wedges.

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