Saturday 16 November 2019

La Gomera - Day 6

We drove a short way up the valley to the village of Arure and started a walk from there. First stop was a church.

Next the path through the village passed an artist's place with painted wood carvings outside.

Further up it became very windy, and as Shirley wasn't yet fully fit we decided to cut the walk short and return to the car.

We drove to the northern part of the island and the village of Vallehermoso, where we parked at the beach front. There was an open air swimming pool there, and some sort of ruined fort along the coast.

After having lunch Scott climbed up a steep staircase that went up the side of the gorge, which had good views back down to the cove.

We then went back to Valle Gran Rey and walked out to the furthest south beach.

Later we had fish goujons and potato wedges for dinner.

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