Tuesday 26 August 2014

South Coast Trip day 8 - Charmouth

We went for a short run before breakfast, then drove down to the beach at Charmouth. This is where a lot of the fossil hunting takes place, there were loads of people hammering away at rocks and digging through the gravel. There were volunteers around giving advice and identifying finds. It was sunny for most of the day.

Shirley found a small ammonite, and we also found another couple of bits and pieces of fossil.

We then had a look in the fossil museum followed by having lunch in the campervan. After lunch we drove along the coast a bit to Seatown. Took Amber for a walk up the cliff path then went hunting for more fossils.

The rain over the previous days had dislodged some more of the cliff face and this proved to be very fruitful. Scott found two large ammonites.

We had a pint in the Anchor Inn in Seatown before driving to Lyme Regis and having a walk on the beach there. After a pint in the Red Lion we bought some of the local scrumpy to take back.

Dinner was curry made from leftover chicken from the barbecue at Purbeck.

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