Friday 22 August 2014

South Coast Trip day 4 - Purbeck

We went for a run this morning then had breakfast. After packing up, we left the site about 11 to drive to the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset where we were meeting our friends from the Bristol Shakey Strollers walking group.

The roads were busy with Bank Holiday traffic. We stopped at Tesco for provisions in Andover, then in a layby in the New Forest for lunch.

Eventually at about 4pm we arrived at Worth Matravers in Purbeck. The walking group were staying in a field studies centre just outside the village, however we weren't allowed to stay there with the campervan. Fortunately the field next door was set up as a camp site by Weston Dairy so we stayed there.

We had arrived before any of the others but they soon started arriving.

Before dinner we went for a walk to the beach with Barry, Tamsin and Mandy.

We had dinner in the centre, curry for 32! Delicious. Then a walk back to the next field to the campervan.

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