Saturday 23 August 2014

South Coast Trip day 5 - Purbeck

After our own breakfast we went over to meet the others at the centre. The walk today was Povington to Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door. Since we had Amber with us we didn't intend to do the whole walk, just see the group off at the start then meet them at Lulworth.

We drove to Povington and took in the views before the walk started.

We then took Rachel and Pauline with us in the van as they didn't want to do the whole walk. On the way we passed an army firing range where they use old tanks as targets.

After arriving at Lulworth village we parked in an overflow car park which was rapidly filling up, the area was very busy.

We walked down to Lulworth Cove and round to the headland at the other end.

From there we walked down to the Fossil Forest, an area with fossilised tree stumps.

It started raining, so we went back to the van and had our lunch. It was at this time we met up with the others in the walking group. We walked on with them up the path out of Lulworth towards Durdle Door.

The bulk of the group then carried on with their walk, while the four of us had a pint in the Lulworth Tavern before driving back to Worth Matravers, where after parking the van in its field and having showers we walked to the only pub in the village, the Square and Compass. This was a great pub!

Dinner was a barbecue at the centre followed by some "entertainment" - some singing and poetry.

We walked in the dark to the van at about 11.

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