Sunday 24 August 2014

South Coast Trip day 6 - Purbeck

After breakfast in the field we drove to the centre. The walk today was to Kimmeridge Bay, so we pottered around for an hour or so after they  left then drove there, with Rachel.

We went for a walk up to the headland to Clavell Tower, a folly built in 1830. It's recently been moved brick-by-brick to a position further back from the cliff edge due to erosion. It's a holiday cottage now.

Around lunch time the rest of the group arrived and we had lunch on the beach. As we were sitting there we were aware of  the constant erosion, with bits falling off the cliff behind us all the time.

We left Amber in the campervan and walked with the group for a bit. There's a working shale oil well just behind the beach, with a nodding-donkey drill.

The views from the ridge above the bay were stunning. The weather was fine, some sunshine and some cloud.

A kind farmer stopped with a load of apples going spare and let us help ourselves.

Shirley decided to carry on walking with the group, while Scott and Rachel went back to the campervan. Kimmeridge village had some nice thatched cottages.

We drove to have a look at Tyneham village, which was evacuated during the Second World War for the army to use as target practice, and has remained abandoned and mostly ruined ever since.

For dinner that evening a bunch of us drove to Scott's Arms in Kingston - Scott had burger and Shirley had goat's cheese salad. We then all met up at the Square and Compass in Worth Matravers again, and had a somewhat late night.

There was some rain in the evening.

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