Sunday 31 August 2014

South Coast Trip day 13 - Eastbourne

We went separate ways today. Shirley went into Eastbourne with Phyllis, Tracy and Linda, while Scott went for a cycle run.

Scott drove east past Pevensey to Norman's Bay, and took Amber for a short walk on the beach.

Then left Amber in the campervan and cycled along the seafront, past Bexhill and on to Hastings.

Hastings has a pier which was burnt down long before the Eastbourne fire, but they're eventually getting round to repairing it now.

In the old part of Hastings there are lots of wooden fishing huts, smokeries I presume.

The steepest funicular in Britain also goes up the cliff there.

Went into the old streets, and had a pint in the historic Stag Inn.

Cycled back to the campervan and took Amber on the beach again, and went for a swim in the sea. Then drove back to Eastbourne, buying some provisions in Asda and having a pint at the Victoria Hotel.

Met up with Shirley again at Tracy's allotment where we helped with some weeding, then drove  back to Phylis's house where we had pizza for dinner.

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