Monday 25 August 2014

South Coast Trip day 7 - Charmouth

It rained during the night, and was raining  heavily in the morning. A walk had been organised for the Monday but nobody was keen. We helped clear up the centre, and pottered about drinking coffee and doing jigsaws.

People started drifting off back to Bristol, so at about 12 we left and went with Pete and Jenny to Swanage. When we got there it was still very wet, so we did a bit of shopping then went for a pint in the Red Lion. For lunch we had chips from a chip shop at the sea front.

Pete and Jenny headed home, and we got in the campervan and drove to our next stop, Westover Farm near Charmouth, further up the Jurassic Coast.

After setting up we went for a walk. The path went through a field but there were loads of cows coming in the opposite direction who didn't really take kindly to Amber so we retreated.

We walked down the road to Wootton Fitzpaine,  a small hamlet with some nice cottages.

After returning to the van we had leftover curry from the weekend for dinner, and stayed in and read.

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