Tuesday 23 May 2023

West Scotland - Day 5

We walked from the site up a section of the Cape Wrath Trail. We soon found out that there was an Ultra race going on today, as loads of runners passed us in the opposite direction.

It was a pleasant walk up the glen, then up a steeper bit to a bealach.

At the top was a lochan, we had our lunch by the edge.

Going down the other side was steep and quite boggy at times. We saw some red deer in the distance.

We stopped for another sandwich at a ruined croft/farmhouse.

We walked up forest tracks to meet the road that goes Glenelg ferry to Skye. It went up over a pass then had a long descent to Loch Duich.

Eventually we reached the campervan, it was a 19 km walk in total. The weather cleared nicely later, and we had great views of the hills around the site, including the Five Sisters.

Later for dinner we had root vegetable and lentil curry with naan bread.

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