Sunday 21 May 2023

West Scotland - Day 3

We climbed Ben Nevis today. As we set off the cloud was very low, so we realised our chances of the top being in the clear when we got there were slim.

We started from the path opposite the youth hostel, and went steeply up to join the main "tourist" track. Before we reached cloud level the views were quite good.

In the cloud visibility was obviously poor, and we encountered some snow patches, a couple of which we had to walk up.

Eventually we reached the top. Although we didn't have a view, the temperature was fine and we had very little wind.

After some lunch we headed back down. It was long and tough, and at one point Shirley took a tumble, bruising her shoulder and hip. The clouds had cleared slightly, and we got better views.

Later for dinner we had Spaghetti Bolognese.

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