Saturday 27 May 2023

West Scotland - Day 9

We left the site today. First, though, we explored a local ruined broch and some reconstructed prehistoric buildings.

We then headed home. We stopped for lunch at House of Bruar just outside Blair Athol, then carried on, getting home in the late afternoon.

Friday 26 May 2023

West Scotland - Day 8

We'd decided to extend our stay by another day, but had to move the van to a different pitch, so we took the opportunity to drive to a different part of the peninsula. We drove south and parked near the tiny settlements of Ardbain and Coille Ghillie.

We walked to their beaches, which are made of white coral.

We drove to Toscaig Pier, which is as far south as the road goes. We then went back to Applecross Bay, and on the way could see an island with some basking seals on it.

We parked at the side of the road and walked over the headland to Sand, which is a tiny settlement next to a beach. There were good views over to Raasay and Skye.

We watched a helicopter land and take off at an MoD establishment.

Finally we made it to the lovely beach.

We walked back the way we'd come, then drove to our new pitch at the site.

After showers we bought a burger and chips from the kiosk on site. It was very good.

Thursday 25 May 2023

West Scotland - Day 7

We walked from the site today, again on an old "coffin road" up the glen. We started on a path by the Applecross River.

We passed some highland cows, so took the obligatory photos!

Further on it went up into high moorland, but was always a good path.

We walked quite a long way, as far as Loch Gaineamhach, which had a tiny beach where we ate our lunch.

We then turned back and retraced our steps. When we got back the friendly deer were still happy to graze right next to the track.

The walk was about 25 km in total. We went back top the campsite for showers, then later went down to the Applecross Inn again for a drink, it was only 5 minutes away.

Later we had sweet and sour chicken for dinner.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

West Scotland - Day 6

We left the Glenshiel site and drove further north. We stopped just outside Lochcarron village and went for a walk up an old "coffin road". It passed a ruined cleared settlement, then went up to a viewpoint over Loch Carron.

It was about 5 km and came down off the hills into the village itself, where we bought some carrot cake in the local store.

The next part of the road journey was over the Bealach na Bà ('pass of the cattle') on the Applecross peninsula. This road has the highest climb of any in the UK, going from sea level to 626 metres in 6 km. We stopped a couple of times for the views, but had no problem coping with the single track road.

We'd booked into Applecross campsite, so went straight there and set up.

It was still lovely weather so we went for a walk round the local area. There are amazingly friendly red deer just roaming around the place, sometimes on the beach.

We also visited the walled garden of Applecross House.

We sat outside at the Applecross Inn with a pint as the weather was so nice. It was very reasonably priced compared to the last place we'd been to.

Later we had tuna pasta with tomato.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

West Scotland - Day 5

We walked from the site up a section of the Cape Wrath Trail. We soon found out that there was an Ultra race going on today, as loads of runners passed us in the opposite direction.

It was a pleasant walk up the glen, then up a steeper bit to a bealach.

At the top was a lochan, we had our lunch by the edge.

Going down the other side was steep and quite boggy at times. We saw some red deer in the distance.

We stopped for another sandwich at a ruined croft/farmhouse.

We walked up forest tracks to meet the road that goes Glenelg ferry to Skye. It went up over a pass then had a long descent to Loch Duich.

Eventually we reached the campervan, it was a 19 km walk in total. The weather cleared nicely later, and we had great views of the hills around the site, including the Five Sisters.

Later for dinner we had root vegetable and lentil curry with naan bread.