Friday 28 January 2022

Madeira - Day 5

We drove to the Rabacal area and parked on the main road. We started to walk along the Levada do Paul, which is on the coast side of the ridge. We went along it for a couple of miles, but decided we'd had enough as the terrain was a bit samey, thick gorse on either side all the way.

Instead we caught one of the minibuses down to Rabacal itself, where some of the most popular walks on the island converge. First we went along the Levada do Risco to the Risco waterfall.

At the picnic area we had some lunch, there were loads of hungry chaffinches demanding crumbs.

From there we joined the Levada das 25 Fontes, and followed it to the end where there are supposed to be 25 waterfalls. Some bigger than others.

We walked a slightly different way back, going to the entrance of a tunnel that goes right to the coast side of the ridge. We'd come through it last time we came to Madeira in 2010.

We caught the minibus back up to where we'd parked the car. We drove down to the coast, to the village of Ponta do Sol, supposedly the sunniest place on the island. We had a stroll about there.

We drove a bit further down the coast to the bigger resort of Ribiera Brava, where we went to a café for a drink and a snack. We got bolo de caco (bread) with garlic butter, and some cheese sticks. These were more than we could manage, so we took some away with us to have the next day.

We went to the supermarket on the way home, and later had fish fingers, chips and peas for dinner.

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