Monday 10 January 2022

Aviemore - Day 1

We arrived in Aviemore just after midday, and parked at the car park for Craigellachie National Nature Reserve. We walked up to the little lochan there, where we stopped for a sandwich.

We then walked a bit further up, but the path was solid ice underfoot so we decided not to go much further. We tried a different path, but it was also steep, muddy and icy. We went up as far as a decent viewpoint, had another sandwich, then walked back down again.

We went to our chalet at Pine Bank at the south end of Aviemore and collected the key.

After taking in our luggage and unpacking a bit, we walked to the nearest pub for a pint. It was the Old Bridge Inn, they had Cairngorm beers on draft and Oscar was fairly well behaved.

Back at the chalet we lit the log burner and made it cosy.

For dinner we had quiche, salad and baked potatoes.

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