Monday 29 October 2018

Tenerife - Day 8

We drove to the village of Vilaflor for a walk up to what is known as the "Lunar Landscape". It was a bit cloudy when we set off, and didn't really get much clearer all day.

We parked near the church.

We found a fig tree with ripe fruit on it.

It was a good path but was unrelentingly uphill.

On the way we passed an outcrop of pumice stone.

There was evidence of old irrigation systems.

When we arrived at the Lunar Landscape it was almost too cloudy to see it. We could tell it would have been quite spectacular though.

This is what it's supposed to look like:

On the way down we went through an area where there had obviously been a forest fire in the past, but the trees were starting to regrow.

Back at the village the church was open so we went in for a look.

We then drove back to the apartment. Later we went out for dinner to Tasca Bandido, a tapas restaurant. We had a selection of tapas - croquettes, sausages etc.

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