Sunday 28 October 2018

Tenerife - Day 7

We took advantage of the clocks going back and got up early to head back up to the Mirador for a walk. We were first in the car park.

We were climbing MontaƱa Guajaro, the third highest mountain on Tenerife at 2718m. At the start we saw lots of hunters with dogs, we found out later they were probably hunting rabbits.

The walk was on a track for a while, then went up to a ridge.

Over the ridge it followed a large wall of yellow pumice stone.

At higher levels we were in cloud, so it was a bit cold and the views weren't great. At the top was a stone enclosure, the remains of an astronomical observatory.

After descending it was by now very sunny, so we carried on to do a circular walk round the spectacular rock formations.

On one called El Cathedral there were some rock climbers.

More spectacular volcanic landscape.

On finishing we drove back to the apartment and went down to the beach for a drink.

Later for dinner we had roast vegetables and wedges made from batata, a sweet potato with white flesh.

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