Wednesday 12 April 2017

Easter Trip - Day 3

We went to Blists Hill Victorian Town museum for opening time at 10am. This was very interesting, we saw all the exhibits like the bank, sweet shop, chemist, foundry, school etc. Many had guides dressed up in the style of the time.

They also had a number of houses and cottages in Victorian style.

We walked along the canal to the Hay Inclined Plane which took carriages up from and down to the River Severn.

Next was a pig talk!

We had a pint in the pub, the New Inn.

After this we drove into Telford for fuel, then on to Much Wenlock. We walked round the town first, it has a historic centre with old buildings.

We went for a pint in the George and Dragon then returned to the site and had dinner, tuna and tomato pasta.

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