Thursday 30 June 2016

Summer Trip - Day 10 - Eastbourne

Shirley had been starting to have a cold, and during the night got a bit breathless. So we went to a pharmacist for advice and they thought there was a possibility it was Whooping Cough!

So we went to the NHS walk-in centre at Eastbourne station and waited an hour for a consultation. The doctor quickly ruled out Whooping Cough fortunately, and just recommended decongestant.

By this time it was about 2pm, so we went for a trip in the campervan to Hastings with Jenny, Phyllis and Tracey.

We walked along past the boats and fishing huts, and bought some prawns to eat.

Then we went up in the funicular and had a walk through the country park, with views back down to the sea.

We walked through the old town and went for a pint in The Stag.

Then we went up to the restored pier.

Dinner was fish and chips in the campervan as the sit-down places were closed.

After driving back we had a quiet night in.

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