Wednesday 1 June 2016

Kintyre & Cowal - Day 6

We got up early today, and drove north to Tarbert to get the ferry across to Portavadie on the Cowal peninsula. We caught the 10.15 one.

We parked the campervan just at the other side, got the bikes off and went for a cycle round some of the forest tracks, stopping for lunch at a small loch.

We then took the bikes back and walked inland a bit then round to the next bay, where we climbed to the top of a hill with views down to the ferry.

After this we sat an the beach for a while, where we found we'd picked up a lot of ticks on the walk, so spent a bit of time getting rid of them.

Next we drove to the village of Kames, where we picked up some supplies at Duncan's Stores, before driving a couple of miles south and finding a camping spot overlooking the sea (Kyles of Bute).

We walked up to the Kames Hotel for a couple of pints, it was an idyllic setting and a beautiful evening.

Back at the campervan we had tuna and pasta for dinner.

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