Tuesday 28 June 2016

Summer Trip - Day 8 - Eastbourne

After breakfast Scott went out on his bike. First cycled to seafront then along to end and up hill to Beachy Head. Went for a short walk along clifftop.

Then got back on the bike and cycled past Belle Toute lighthouse to Birling Gap.

After another short walk cycled via East Dene back to Eastbourne.

Bought lunch in Waitrose then sat in Gildredge Park to eat it and have a snooze in the sunshine.

Then cycled up to Crown Inn for a pint, before going back to the house for a shower.

Meanwhile Shirley had gone to town with Phyllis where she met up with sister Jenny and cousin Pat, then they all had cream tea on the pier.

Scott met them in the campervan as it was starting to rain. Took Pat home then everyone else to the house.

In the evening we went out by taxi to the Dolphin pub to meet Rachel. We had burgers for dinner then caught a taxi home.

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