Friday 3 June 2016

Kintyre & Cowal - Day 8

After breakfast we did a woodland walk from the campsite. We had intended to go up the hill but decided against it as the campsite had given us discount vouchers for Benmore Botanical Gardens so we wouldn't have had time.

We drove south to Benmore and went in. It was sunny and hot again. We walked round all the gardens, having our lunch at the highest viewpoint.

They have an ornate golden gate.

Someone we chatted to in the garden said the nearby Pucks Glen was lovely, so we went there next and it was indeed very nice.

After this we drove to Dunoon for a look around - saw the pier, walked up to the castle, and then had a drink in the Braes Inn.

We got fish and chips from Anselmos and ate them at seats by the bandstand. After this we drove back to the campsite at Glendaruel.

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