Sunday 23 October 2022

Sicily - Day 6

Today we went to the Necropolis at Pantalica, about 50 minutes drive south.

This is a prehistoric burial ground with many thousands of tombs cut into the limestone cliffs. There are many paths through it, and also up the river bed. It's free to walk around.

All of the tombs are open and empty now.

There are also a lot of dwellings cut into the rock, I think these are more from the medieval period.

We had a good time just wandering round the paths and viewpoints.

We had our lunch by the riverside.

We drove back to Catania by the coast road. We tried to find somewhere to have a walk at the beach but couldn't. All the roads heading towards the sea were gated private ones, it seems nowhere around had a public beach or promenade we could get to.

We eventually got back to the city and had a drink in a bar next to Lidl, where we bought some more provisions.

Later we went out into town. We had a Sicilian Spritz at a bar, then went to a restaurant called Giglio Rosso. We had a meat and cheese starter, then Shirley had the local speciality Pasta Norma, made with aubergines. Scott had Pasta Mimme, a spicy one.

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