Saturday 23 October 2021

Scottish Borders - Day 3

We did the next leg of the Borders Abbey Way, this time starting by getting the bus to Hawick. First we packed up and left the site, then drove and parked in the public car park in Jedburgh.

We caught the 9.50 bus to Hawick and made our way down to the River Teviot. We walked along the side of it for a bit, then just at the edge of town came across a house with amazing Halloween decorations.

We then carried on. We met a man who'd lost his dog, so we kept an eye out for it but didn't see it. At one point the route was closed because of a landslip so we were diverted onto the road, which made the walk a bit longer.

We stopped for lunch at the village of Denholm.

From here the route left the river and went uphill through some woods. We came across what we think is a squirrel trap.

At the top of the hill it was more exposed, and it was raining a bit by then.

Eventually we went down the other side and back into Jedburgh.

We then drove on to our next site, which was Kirkfield Caravan Park in the small village of Town Yetholm. After setting up we went for a walk into the village, and went for a drink in the Plough Hotel.

Later we had Thai prawn curry for dinner.

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