Saturday 16 October 2021

Oban - Day 3

It started off sunny this morning again. We drove down to Seil Island, which has the famous Bridge over the Atlantic.

We parked just next to it then walked over to the west side of the island. Over there are some nice beaches and inlets, and an old shipwreck.

We then walked down the west shore. At one point we were very near a bunch of bird shooters, and Oscar was a bit unnerved by the noise.

After a bit we crossed back to the east and sat by the water to have our lunch.

After returning to the van we drove to the south of Seil Island and went for another circular walk, this time including the ferry terminal which goes across to Luing Island.

We then drove along to the village of Ellenabeich. This is very picturesque, with rows of little white cottages. These were for slate quarry workers - Seil Island and a few others in the vicinity are known as the Slate Islands.

We then drove back to the camp site. The rain started, and continued for most of the evening and night.

Later we had Thai prawn curry for dinner.

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