Friday 15 October 2021

Oban - Day 2

As expected today started off very cold, crisp and sunny. There was even a ground frost, the first we've had of the autumn.

Today we planned to walk on the island of Kerrera, which is just off the coast. First we walked down the hill to the coast, with great views south.

We got to the ferry slipway about half an hour before the next departure and there was already a queue of foot passengers. It's a tiny ferry that can only take one vehicle and 12 passengers, so if more are waiting they make multiple trips. It only takes a few minutes to get to the island.

At the ferry terminal on the other side there's a lot of work going on, as they build a new road to the marina at the north end of the island.

We first walked down to the southern tip. The coast and the views, with the autumn colours, were great.

At the south end of the island is Gylen castle. We stopped there for a sandwich. You can get into the castle and up to the 1st floor.

We then crossed to the west side, and walked all the way to the northern tip.

We passed a farm with some pigs.

At the north end, overlooking Oban, is Hutcheson's Monument and a marina.

We made our way back down the half-built new road to the ferry terminal, and caught the 4.30 ferry back across. From there we walked back up the hill to the camp site.

We used the showers, but it was a bit cold.

For dinner later we had spaghetti bolognese.

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