Friday 22 October 2021

Scottish Borders - Day 2

We'd decided that on this trip were were going to do a couple of legs of the Borders Abbey Way, a circular long distance walk which takes in four abbeys.

From the bus stop just outside the site we caught the 9.40 bus to Kelso. It was raining a little, but had stopped by the time we got there.

From the centre of Kelso we walked past the abbey and over the Tweed bridge.

The walk route then went along the River Teviot, a tributary of the Tweed. The weather was bright and the views were good.

We went into the little village of Roxburgh, where the church is up for sale at offers over £95,000!

Most of the second half of the walk is along an old railway track, which isn't quite as picturesque as the first part. Eventually we rejoined the Teviot and walked round the edge of the flood defences.

The very last part was up a hill and the through woods down into Jedburgh. It stayed reasonably sunny most of the day.

Later for dinner we had a dish made from Camembert cheese, bacon, onions and potatoes.

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