Wednesday 23 August 2017

North Wales - Day 2

We drove and parked near Llyn Ogwen, just past Capel Curig. We walked up the valley to the west of Tryfan.

It was quite warm to start with, and quite steep going up the the Glyderau ridge at the head of the valley.

At the top of Glyder Fach were lots of rock formations, Scott clambered over them of course.

We walked on to the peak of Glyder Fawr, the weather wasn't too great by now. There were still some interesting rocks though.

The descent was down through Devil's Kitchen, a very steep rocky slope.

At the bottom we had to walk a couple of miles along the road beside Llyn Ogwen, getting back to the van about 4.30pm.

We drove to our next campsite, Tyn DDol CS in the village of Llanystumdwy.

After setting up and showering, we went for a walk in the village. David Lloyd George grew up here, there's a museum and his grave. We had a pint in the Feathers pub.

Dinner back at the campervan was lentil chilli.

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