Tuesday 28 February 2017

Andalucia - Day 7 - Bolonia

We drove about 30km south to Bolonia today. First we visited the Roman ruins of Baelo Claudia. Entry is free for EU citizens. First was the museum, which has a few artefacts and models of how the settlement looked in its day.

Then we walked round the ruins, it was very interesting.

After this we walked along the beach and up the huge sand dune. The sand was lovely and white.

We had our lunch then walked round the coast a bit. We had a sunbathe for a while, then paddled along the beach.

We then drove north to Zahara de los Atunes, where we had a drink in a beach bar.

On the way home we got a tyre pressure warning on the dashboard so stopped to top up the air. It didn't seem to cause problem after that.

When we got home we went out and booked a table at the Califa restaurant for Thursday. For dinner we stayed in and had pork steaks, chips and vegetables.

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