Monday 27 February 2017

Andalucia - Day 6 - Cadiz

We decided to go to Cadiz for the day. We drove there, and parked in an underground car park in the old city.

We then walked along the sea wall then out to San Sebastian Castle, part of the old city defences.

There were locals out on the rocks gathering some kind of shellfish.

We then walked further round the perimeter of the city and had lunch in a park. Walking further into the centre, there was lots of carnival stuff going on as it was carnival fortnight. There were street performers, floats with choirs on etc.

It was very busy in the narrow streets. Everyone was drinking beer or sherry, and there were many stalls selling snacks of seafood.

After this we we drove home, first stopping at the beach just outside the city where we had a walk and ate a pastry (after having some trouble finding somewhere to park).

Back in Vejer we went to the local supermarket for provisions. We then went home, we had burgers cheese and onions for dinner.

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