Thursday 9 July 2015

Devon and Cornwall day 19 - Bridgetown

In the morning we went for a "heritage walk" round Bridgetown, taking Amber with us. We saw the picturesque local cricket ground and the church in Exton.

After lunch in the van we left Amber and went for one of the walks from the instructions given out at the camp site.

It started off OK, but fell apart when the instructions said to ignore the direction signs and walk through a field filled with bracken. It was about 7 feet high, and shared the field with gorse and brambles.

By back-tracking and ignoring a "no right of way" sign we managed to pick up the path again, some of it was really nice by the river Exe.

We got back to the campervan early afternoon and sat in the sun for a while, then started to pack up and take the awning down.

Dinner was in the Badger's Holt - Shirley had rump steak which was not good (not charged for), Scott had Hunter's Chicken which was fine. Ice cream sundaes to follow.

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