Tuesday 21 May 2024

Glenmore and Findhorn - Day 6

We'd discovered that there's a water taxi that can take you across to Culbin Forest, so we decided to spend the day there.

We walked up to the village by a different route and passed the old ice house where they used to store ice to preserve the fish that the local fleet had caught.

The we caught the boat across, it was £10 each return. We arranged for them to come back and pick us up at 3.

We had a lovely day walking on the various forest and coastal paths there. Oscar loved it as he could be off-lead all day.

We stopped for lunch at a bay or lagoon called The Gut. Apparently the poles were put there during WW2 to prevent German gliders from being able to land there.

Back in the forest we went to a high point called Hill 99, which has a viewing tower. Oscar ran straight up it himself.

We carried on through the woods and gradually made our way back to the start. At one point it rained a little and we hadn't brought waterproofs with us. It didn't last too long though.

Back at the beach we could see a seal colony far out on a sand bar.

Thankfully the boat arrived right on time to pick us up.

We walked back to the site, going through Cullerne Garden on the way. This is where the Foundation grows a lot of its fruit and veg.

Later for dinner we had salmon steaks cooked in the George Foreman grill, with peas, sweetcorn and new potatoes.

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