Thursday 18 August 2022

Ardnamurchan - Day 4

We went out in the van today, heading out to explore the Morven Peninsula, which is to the south of Ardnamurchan.

First we drove down the very narrow and quiet coast road, then parked at the Rahoy Hills wildlife reserve. We went for a walk along the side of Loch Arienas, it was pretty wet and boggy.

We drove down to the Lochaline ferry terminal, and had venison burgers for lunch at the snack bar there.

We drove all the way along the bottom of the peninsula as far as the road goes, to Drimnin, then turned around and came back.

We went to see the Aoineadh Mor Historic Township, and had a walk round the ruined houses there.

We drove back to the site, stopping at Strontian Stores to buy a cake on the way.

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