Saturday 24 July 2021

Glencoe and Speyside - Day 4

We drove up to one of the car parks in Glen Coe itself. The cloud had come down overnight, and the tops were covered.

We walked down from the car park and across the bridge over the river, then started the climb up to the Lost Valley.

Before too long we reached the lip where you can see down into the valley. there was still a bit of cloud around.

We walked down then up to the end where we sat on the rocks and had a sandwich.

As we started to walk back, the sun really started to burn through the clouds. By the time we got back to the entrance it was all clear.

We made our way back down to the campervan.

This was only a half-day walk, so we decided to drive a little north and go to the Inchree Falls near Onich. This is a circular walk through a forest to the falls, then up higher through an area where trees have been felled quite recently.

There were views over to the Corran ferry.

Back near the car park Oscar had a look for squirrels at the hide, then shaded himself from the heat under the van.

To finish off the day we decided to go to the Corran ferry, cross as foot passengers, have a walk and a drink at the Ardgour Inn then come back again.

Later for dinner we had sweet and sour chicken.

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