Thursday 22 July 2021

Glencoe and Speyside - Day 2

It was very hot and sunny from the start today. We drove up the side of Loch Leven to Kinlochleven, where we parked in a car park. The walk we planned was a circular one, up the side of the River Leven to Blackwater Reservoir, then down the other side.

The walk up was mostly in woods, over some streams and eventually emerging near the dam.

It was extremely hot in the sun, so we found some shade under a tree to have our lunch.

We then crossed the river under the dam and started to make our way back down.

We came across a cemetery of those who died during the building of the dam. Though one account said most of them died walking back from the Kingshouse pub in Glencoe over the Devil's Staircase!

We carried on down the track, following the culvert that takes water from the reservoir to the hydroelectric power station in Kinlochleven.

Once it reaches the top of a steep slope above the town, the water is fed into pipes to take it down to the generating station.

After a hot descent we eventually made it back to Kinlochleven. We bought a very welcome ice cream in the Co-op, and sat under a shady tree for a while.

We then drove back to the site. Later we had roast beef salad for dinner, and went for a short walk at the Glencoe Visitor Centre.

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