Wednesday 18 September 2019

Mull - Day 4

We left the site and drove to the free car park at Fionnphort. We were early so had a coffee at the port cafe. We then caught the 10am trip to Staffa with Staffa Trips. There were only 6 of us, 2 Swiss girls and an American couple.

Shortly after we left we saw an otter swimming in the sea near some inshore islands. It was too far away to photograph though.

After about 45 minutes we arrived at Staffa, first sailing round the outside to look at the spectacular hexagonal columns. We could see the path over the rocks that goes to Fingal's Cave.

The boat let us off at the small pier and we walked along the rocks, which are very similar to Giant's Causeway in Northern Island. The path had a cable to hold onto.

At the end we got to go inside Fingal's Cave.

We then went back along the path and climbed a staircase to the surface of the island itself, and walked to the highest point.

On returning to the van we had our lunch, then drove off round the west side of mull. We stopped at Killiechronan camp site, which is really just an area of grass next to a bay and beach.

Dinner was pasta, smoked sausage and tomato and chilli sauce.

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