Sunday 30 June 2019

Bulgaria - Day 4

We were up for an early breakfast at 7.30am. It was a buffet including Mekitsa, a fried dough that can be eaten sweet or savoury. Also eggs, sausage, french toast, yogurt, cereal etc.

The weather was fine and sunny as we set off.

We parked at a chairlift and caught this up to the Bezbog hut at 2240m.

From there we started walking up towards the summit of Polezhan.

At one point we had to cross a patch of snow.

As we got higher the views got even more spectacular.

Finally we reached the summit of Polezhan at 2851m.

We made our way down to the hut, where we had a late lunch. We had a dish with pork and onions, and a vegetable one.

After a rest we caught the chairlift back down.

Later that evening Eduard took us all out to a traditional folk restaurant in a small village. We were served by the "babi" (grandmas) who also sang, then got us all to dress up and generally make fools of ourselves. A great time. The food was traditional, sausages, pies, salads etc., with baklava for dessert.

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