Saturday 2 June 2018

Homeless Trip - Day 18

The fresh water pump in the campervan had been playing up for a couple of days, and finally decided to fail this morning. So we spent some time phoning some places to try to source a new one.

Highland Campervans just to the east of Inverness thought they might have one, so we drove there but unfortunately they didn't have it. Next try was McLeod Caravans in Evanton, a bit further north, but they seemed to be closed.

Finally we found the right model at GNR Sutherland in Edderton, on the Dornoch Firth. We drove to Tain and parked by the waterfront while Scott fitted the pump, a fairly straightforward job.

We then went for a short stroll.

We found out there was a lighthouse and wild camping spot at the end of the peninsula, Tarbat Ness. We went there and parked up, then went for a short walk.

The smell of gorse there was amazing.

For dinner we had sweet potato and spinach curry.

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