Tuesday 28 February 2017

Andalucia - Day 7 - Bolonia

We drove about 30km south to Bolonia today. First we visited the Roman ruins of Baelo Claudia. Entry is free for EU citizens. First was the museum, which has a few artefacts and models of how the settlement looked in its day.

Then we walked round the ruins, it was very interesting.

After this we walked along the beach and up the huge sand dune. The sand was lovely and white.

We had our lunch then walked round the coast a bit. We had a sunbathe for a while, then paddled along the beach.

We then drove north to Zahara de los Atunes, where we had a drink in a beach bar.

On the way home we got a tyre pressure warning on the dashboard so stopped to top up the air. It didn't seem to cause problem after that.

When we got home we went out and booked a table at the Califa restaurant for Thursday. For dinner we stayed in and had pork steaks, chips and vegetables.

Monday 27 February 2017

Andalucia - Day 6 - Cadiz

We decided to go to Cadiz for the day. We drove there, and parked in an underground car park in the old city.

We then walked along the sea wall then out to San Sebastian Castle, part of the old city defences.

There were locals out on the rocks gathering some kind of shellfish.

We then walked further round the perimeter of the city and had lunch in a park. Walking further into the centre, there was lots of carnival stuff going on as it was carnival fortnight. There were street performers, floats with choirs on etc.

It was very busy in the narrow streets. Everyone was drinking beer or sherry, and there were many stalls selling snacks of seafood.

After this we we drove home, first stopping at the beach just outside the city where we had a walk and ate a pastry (after having some trouble finding somewhere to park).

Back in Vejer we went to the local supermarket for provisions. We then went home, we had burgers cheese and onions for dinner.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Andalucia - Day 5 - Vejer de la Frontera and Barbate

After breakfast we went for a walk straight from the apartment, first past the tourist information then up past a windmill.

The walk went through the countryside, along tracks through fields, then into paths through trees.

We passed an old well.

Eventually we came back into the new part of town, with more windmills on the skyline and good views to the older part.

The sun came out in the afternoon. We decided to drive to Barbate, about 10km away, where we had a walk along the seafront to the port.

There was a huge pile of rusting anchors on the quayside.

We then went back home and chilled for a bit. We stayed in and had pasta and sauce for dinner.

Saturday 25 February 2017

Andalucia - Day 4 - Córdoba to Vejer de la Frontera

After breakfast we packed up and checked out. We retrieved the car and headed south west.

On the way we stopped at Arcos de la Frontera, where we parked the car at the bottom of the hill and walked up into the old town.

We wandered round the narrow streets and up to the castle.

There were great views over the surrounding countryside.

At a convent we bought some pastries, or dulces, from a nun behind a hatch. We then walked back to the car and had our lunch.

We carried on to our destination, Vejer de la Frontera, on the Costa de Luz, stopping at Aldi on the way for provisions.

We met Estrella, got the keys and put our luggage in. Our accommodation was called La Fuga, and was in a very old townhouse. It was very well equipped.

Then we had to park the car down the road in a car park. The roads were very steep. We went for a wander round the village, seeing the castle, church etc. and all the steep narrow streets and flower filled patios.

We stopped for a drink at a bar on Plaza de España.

Back at the apartment we made pizza for dinner.

Friday 24 February 2017

Andalucia - Day 3 - Córdoba

We had muesli for breakfast then went for a day out in Córdoba. First we walked to Plaza de la Corredera where there was a small indoor market.

After that we walked across the Roman bridge then back again.

Then we went to the famous Mesquita. This was the largest mosque in the world in its time. Inside are hundreds of double arches in red and white.

Once the Spaniards conquered the moors, they didn't demolish the mosque but built a full-size catholic cathedral right in the middle of it.

The ceiling is magnificent.

At the back of the mosque is an elaborate horseshoe arch.

Outside we went to the renowned Casa Santos for some of their famous potato tortilla, which we ate outside.

In the afternoon we went to the Alcazar gardens.

We could see down to the horse training ground.

After this we walked along the river and round the city walls, there were old water wheels, and a herd of sheep and goats.

We stopped for a beer at a square in the Jewish quarter then went back home for a rest.

In the evening we went out and instead of dinner had many tapas in different bars.