Thursday 4 August 2016

Summer Trip - Day 45 - Leysdown-On-Sea

We left the site fairly early and drove to Botany Bay, between Margate and Broadstairs. We went down onto the beach for a walk, seeing the chalk stacks and cliffs.

Then we drove to Ramsgate and parked near the main beach. We had a look in the old tunnels, but couldn't get a tour as it was fully booked. We had a walk round the harbour then had our lunch.

We then decided to carry on to the Isle of Sheppey, so drove to Leysdown-On-Sea. We saw these birds just next to where we parked.

We walked across the salt marshes to Harty, seeing this Thames barge on the way.

We visited the church. We then went to the Ferry Inn for a pint.

After that back to the campervan. We saw this statue dedicated to flight pioneers.

When we got back to the campervan we moved it a bit up the road to wild camp next to the beach. We could see these sea forts out in the estuary.

Dinner was vegetable chilli.    

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