Saturday 20 September 2014

North West day 6 - Gairloch

We decamped and drove on to Gairloch. We drove around the village and coast for a bit looking for somewhere we could have a cooked breakfast, eventually settling on the Sheiling. We both had the full Scottish breakfast, which was very good.

We found the tourist information and saw that we had time to go for a circular walk before a wildlife boat trip in the afternoon. We parked at the pier and walked over a headland to the beach.

Then we went inland through some woods, before finally following a river back to the campervan.

We then left Amber in the campervan while we joined the boat trip. There were only four other people on it. We saw Celia the grey seal in the harbour before we left, then some porpoises as we headed out to sea.

The guide pointed out a golden eagle in the distance, but it was so far away it could have been anything. On the rocks we saw shags,  cormorants, skuas, gannets and lots more grey seals.

After about 2.5 hours we headed back.

We walked round the few shops in Gairloch village, then drove far out the peninsula to Redpoint beach. Amber ate something here and was sick for about the next half hour.

Just back from the beach we found a great wild camping spot in a car park with a great view. We had stew for dinner and watched some television, we picked up a good signal here.

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